How to create standard purchase order

A purchase order is commercial document and first official order issued by buyer to the supplier,indicating type,quantity,and agreed prices for product or services the supplier will provide to the buyer.
1)Standard purchase order:-this is used for one time purchases for good and services. here you know the item,price,payment item or delivery schedule.

2)Planned purchase order:-created when you have long term agreement with must specify the the details of good and services ,payment term and the tentative delivery schedules.

3)Blanket purchase agreement:-this is created when the details of item and services,payment are know but not specify the delivery schedule.

4)Contact purchase agreement:-this is created when the term and conditions of a purchase are known but specific good and services are not.
steps of standard purchase order creation:-
1)we go to navigator(vision operation USA)
2)go to purchase order
3)select operating unit(vision operation).
4)select supplier
5)select type of purchase order(standard purchase order).
6)go to line here we can enter item ,PO quantity,need by date
7)click on currency
8)click on terms for payment setup then click on save you can found PO number will generated soon.
9)click on shipment
10)click on receiving control for default information such as receiving shipment.
11)click on distribution then save or approve then OK finally you observed that PO is approved.

Ap invoice creations r12

How to create AP invoices in oracle r12?
AP invoices creation are very easy you just follow my steps first you have to login for global user where you can put down user name and password such as operation and password welcome now open window apps go to parables vision operation(USA) then click to invoices  further go to type PO_NUMBER,find and OK.
1)you go to supplier site option here put supplier site (corp HQ).
2)you go to invoice date here we can changed date(12 may 2017).
3)you go to invoice number here we can put invoice number(6779 inv).
4)you go to invoice account here we can put invoice account(100.00)
5)you go to requester(stack,ms part).
6)you go to lines further account,lines,shipment then general then saved it go to action then validate (OK)
7) go to backhand here we can put small query select * from AP_INVOICE_ALL where INVOICE_NUM like'6779_inv'; you can found that WF APPROVAL status showing null required then further we can put small query select WF APPROVAL from AP_INVOICE_ALL where invoice_num like'6779_inv';then executed query after you get the WF approval status showing required.
8)we go to invoices entry invoices here put down invoice_num(like 6779_inv),action,initiate approval(OK).
9)you go to the backhand and here you put down small query select wf approval from ap_invoice_all where invoice_num like '6779_inv'; then executed after you found that status would be initiated.
10)Finally go to our user just sign in and go to work flow administrator web applications,notification(right side) here you can found our invoice such as invoice 6779_inv from 3m health care requires your approved just click on it further go to approve and finally you can found WF APPROVED. 


  1. nice sir,please provide details of ap invoice. thanks


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