How to find product key for window 10 without using of any software.

  • Did you have any difficulty to find product key for window 10. you just follow my steps.
  • first you just restart your computer trustworthy to handle Code scripts in your computer
People having face many more problems to find product key for window 10 but we can provide to solve the technical issue and here you can enjoy every thing that make your window beautiful and smart some time people facing problems about product key and its verification code ,few website provide product key but does not properly you need to solve instantly here we provide you to find product key without any software or not need to help to go to website .you need to go to command prompt as administrator.

  1. First you go to setting ,further go to update and security option here you can see activation just go there and find window activate or not.
  2. You can found window is not activated so you need to activate the windows just need to product key.
  3. Here is a option change product key just click on that but further you can see here is box to need new product key .
  4. But you not worry about it we can easily find product key for window 10.
  5. just go to command prompt as administrator and enter the commands
  • Here your command are .


Finally you got the product key for window 10 or others windows .then take and copy the product key .you just go to again setting ,security ,activation,change the product key option here insert the product key for your window.i hope you understand if have any difficulty to find product key just do message to my comment box i hope you enjoy.


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